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system data analysis中文是什么意思

用"system data analysis"造句"system data analysis"怎么读"system data analysis" in a sentence


  • 系统数据分析


  • Next , introduct the technology of the protocol analysis . it means when examin the data packet , wo can use the protocol analysis technology to distinguish the protocol type of the data , then use the corresponding data analysis procedure to examin the data packet . so the examination efficiency can improved . finally , the k - r algorithm used for system data analysis module is parallelized design . and through the comparision the original algorithm and parallel algorithm , we can find that under the
    即在对截获的数据包进行检测时,先使用协议分析的技术辨别数据包的协议类型,再使用相应的数据分析程序来检测数据包,从而提高了系统的检测效率; 5 )对系统数据分析模块中使用的k - r模式匹配算法进行了并行化设计,并比较了原算法和并行算法的时间复杂度和执行代价。
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